Wills + Powers of Attorney

Protect your loved ones from additional, unnecessary responsibilities when you die or are unable to act for yourself. Speak to our friendly and trusty Wills and Estate lawyers to commence your estate planning today.


Making a Will.

Do you really need a Will? Yes! Why? Because if you die without a Will, you won’t be able decide who inherits the assets you leave behind. Worst case scenario, the government might keep your assets. Having a valid Will will give you peace of mind that your loved ones will be looked after when you die.

Our Wills and Estates lawyers will carefully prepare your Will and help minimise the risk of it being contested.

Our expert Wills and Estate Lawyers will do the following:

  • Get to know you, to ensure your Will is appropriately structured

  • Provide you with advice in relation to asset protection

  • Provide you with advice in relation to guardianship clauses

  • Include specific gifts/bequests

  • Provide you with superannuation advice

  • Help you structure your will to best suit your family dynamics

  • Arrange for your Will to be signed in accordance with the law

  • Store your Will for safekeeping

Speak to our friendly and trusty lawyers to prepare your will today!


Creating a Power of Attorney.

Unlike a Will, a Power of Attorney operates while you’re still alive. The person you appoint can make legal decisions on your behalf, depending on how your Power of Attorney document is set out.

Having a Power of Attorney will give you peace of mind that if something happens to you, your loved ones will have the legal capacity to make decisions on your behalf (in relation to matters such as paying bills, selling properties or making medical decisions). If you don’t have one, your loved ones may face a lengthy application to VCAT in order to be granted guardianship.

At Blueprint Legal, our lawyers can assist with preparation of the following:

-       An Enduring Power of Attorney

-       Medical Treatment Decision Maker

Speak to our friendly lawyers and get started preparing your Powers of Attorney documents today.

Like what you see? Think we’d be a good fit? Let’s get started!

Contact us for more information about medical and legal Powers of Attorney - or, if you’re ready to get started, complete our convenient online form now.